“By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character.” - Grenville Kleiser

If we talked to 100 people, every person would define failure and success quite differently.  Although we may define failures and successes quite differently, the way we handle these experiences should be the same.

How do you handle failures and successes?

The way a leader handles these experiences is an indication of his or her ability to exercise self-control.  Self-control is one of the most important components of a leader’s repertoire.  The productivity and profitability of any organization is determined by the self-control of those leaders in charge.

Do you have good self-control?

Self-control is basically the ability to control oneself.  It sounds simple but it can be challenge.  There are three “T’s” a leader much be aware of when it comes to self-control if they are planning on being successful.

1.    Temper.  There is no excuse for blowing up, having a short fuse, or having an explosive temper.  American actor, filmmaker, martial artist, and philosopher Bruce Lee said, “A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.”  Bruce Lee understood that it took discipline and self-control to reach his accomplishments.  The same applies to you and I.  Controlling our temper gives us the discipline needed to help us accomplish our goals.  How is your temper?

2.    Time.  We all know that time is a precious commodity.  The interesting thing about time is once you lose it, you can never get it back.  Be careful of wasting time.  Believe it or not, wasted time is like the accumulation of your materialistic belongings.  Just look around your home and you will discover an accumulation of things you didn’t have years ago.  Wasting time daily adds up over time.  It’s rather hard to accomplish any of your dreams with an accumulation of wasted time.  

American businessman, inventor, industrial designer, and co-founder of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs put it perfectly by saying, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.  Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.  Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.  And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”  Just remember, it takes time to build relationships, master skills, execute meaningful action plans, achieve goals, and bring your plan to fruition.  How long have you been working on your goals and dreams?  Since the conception of your dream and creation of your goals, have you wasted time doing things that doesn’t promote your goals and dreams?

3.    Tongue.  The tongue may be one of the smallest organs of the body but is one of the most powerful organs.  Communication is so important to living a life of success.  Once a word is spoken, you cannot take it back.  Our words have the power to build up or break down.  Taking control over your tongue will not only benefit others around you but it also will build your life beyond your imagination.  American preacher and televangelist Joel Osteen said, “You can change your world by changing your words…Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.”  Are you using words that will building up or break down you and others around you? 

Let’s face it; it is easy to do what we want to and how we want to do it.  But it takes effort to control our temper, time, and tongue.  If you will exercise self-control, you will discover the ability to be wildly successful with all your endeavors.

How are you exercising self-control?  Which of the three “T’s” do you think is most important to being a successful leader?  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.


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