Optimize Your Life With An Optimistic October


Life is all about living with an open mind.


Give Your Life Clarity


Morning commutes are challenging with the presence of heavy fog.  The fog makes it hard to make decisions due to the decreased visibility.  Likewise, it can be challenging to live life when you are surrounded with cloudiness.  Cloudiness from financial uncertainties, relationship problems, employment conflicts, parenting strains, health issues, etc.  What if we could bring clarity to some of these situations in our life?

We need clarity!  Clarity comes from optimism and optimism comes from God.  We discussed several ways to bring clarity to your life in the Getting out of Your Fog and into the F.O.G. (click link) blog.

What is Optimism?


Optimism is having the ability to “Open Your Mind.”  Just as it is difficult to clarity during life’s tough times, it can be a challenge to have optimism when there is a string of unfortunate events happening in your life.  However, the great thing about being a human is having the power to CHANGE!

There’s no better time to trust in our Creator, God.  God gave his only son to die for the sins of the world.  If that isn’t optimism, what is?

Sometimes we give up too early.  We quit before giving God a chance.  God desires to improve our lives.  God doesn’t need any of our help, but he does want to use our lives to bring glory to Him and His Son.  You don’t have to believe me or anyone else, but believe your Father in heaven.  He will not forsake you.  He wants to bless you.  But he wants you to have optimism.

Open Your Mind


Wait no longer!  “OPEN YOUR MIND and BELIEVE!”

Do you know that many blessings you are missing out on when you choose to close your mind?  I learned in my life, not to run from the blessings of God.  His blessings and promises are far better than anything else that I can receive in this life.

Optimism is just another word for belief.  So, BELIEVE!

-Believe in God’s endless capabilities,

-Believe in His creating power,

-Believe in His plans to prosper your life,

-Believe in His AMAZING love,

-Believe that He wants the very BEST for your life,

-Believe He will see you through,

-Believe He cares for you.

OPEN YOUR MIND and BELIEVE that ALL things are possible!!!


What are some things you can accomplish with an open mind? (Please help someone else by sharing your thoughts / comments below.)

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