Think Good Thoughts

I have had the opportunity to be a servant leader in several arenas: sports, medical, business, etc.


No matter where you are in life; if you think bad, bad things will happen.

As a child, I remember my parents emphasizing this Bible verse to me and my siblings.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” ~Proverbs 23:7

Now, those words are more valuable than ever.

As a leader, husband, father, son, entrepreneur, and my favorite - just plain servant... 



Whatever we consume our minds with, eventually will drive our actions.

If you think you can’t, you won’t.

If you think you can, you will.

I don’t know all the science behind how this happens.

But, I do know the more you think good thoughts, the more you will intentionally position yourself to achieve and accomplish the goals and dreams in your life.

I talk about some of these thoughts in one of my previous blogs, SMILE. (Click on link)

No one will do this for us, thinking positive starts with the thinker.

There are a lot of things we have absolutely no control over, but our thinking is totally under our control.

Action: Right now, think of one good thought that puts you in a positive frame of mind.  Now, repeat this throughout the day.

Question: What helps you think good thoughts?  (Please comment below)


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The Bible verse listed in this post was adapted from the original Word and Bible through the website – Bible Gateway.