
You can never say “thank you” too much.

My older two sons and I had breakfast together with some other fathers and their children last week at their school.  We had a great discussion about gratitude and saying the words “thank you.”

I believe it is so important for our world to use these two words frequently.  Otherwise, people may never know how valued they are.  Everyone wants to feel valued.  And every now and then, people want to be acknowledged for their value or worth.

I can’t express the feeling I get when my boys say things like, “You are best DAD!”  Matter of fact, my older two sons just said those words to me while I was writing this blog and helping them with their homework.

How do you feel when you aren’t acknowledged for your value when t comes to your family, church, work, etc.?

We all want to be viewed in a positive light.  So don’t be afraid to give credit where credit is due.

Where To Start

Giving credit where credit is due all starts with God.  Yes, believe it or not.

If we cannot say thank you to God, it will be quite hard to thank anyone else.  God’s blessings are countless, so we all have many reasons to be thankful.  Some of the reasons are big and others are small.  No matter where we are in life, we have countless reasons to live with a heart of gratitude.

I am not trying to force my beliefs on you, but I am committed to expressing my appreciation to God because I am nothing without Him.  All the blessings and accolades I have received in my short life are only possible because of the GOOD GOD I serve, which is why I take pleasure in serving others.

Where should you start?  Start with thanking God.

Why We Give Credit

We give credit to God because we are truly thankful.

Whether you feel the blessings of God or not, you are blessed.  If you don’t feel blessed, just remember that things could always be worse.  And if you don’t think being alive is a blessing, just think about the alternative.

We give credit because God wants us to give credit.

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

God wants us to get to a point where we naturally give thanks for everyone and everything that comes in and out of our lives.  The process of giving credit first gives credit to those who deserve credit.  Don’t let people deposit blessings into your life without saying the two simple words of thank you.

Giving credit also permits us to remove any bitterness and negativity in hearts, consequently allowing us to replace it with appreciation and positive energy.

Would you like to move forward in life?  Can you use a promotion at work?  Would you like to see more profitability with your business?

It’s all about giving credit where credit is due.  You will draw God closer to you and others will want to be around you because you are able to recognize the worth they add to your life.

So practice this technique today.  Tell someone you usually overlook how thankful you are for him or her.  Tell your children “thank you” for just being your children and blessing you with an inexplicable love for them.  Give credit where credit is due.

Question: Along with God, who should you thank today for the worth and value they have added to your life?  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.
