Our Story

It was very humble beginnings that have shaped this family into who they are today. While Edward was receiving his theology degree and becoming a minister, Jacqueline, Keith (son / brother), Bryant, and Nikol (daughter / sister) were pretty much homeless for a while. On the road back and forth between Nashville and Lubbock, TX, there was a plan unfolding with a predestined path. There were times when they slept in their burgundy Chevy 350 cargo van; they took birdbaths in truck stop restrooms, and lived in some rough areas on their road to bettering themselves and their future. Although they lacked in areas of materialism, their hearts were filled with love! Many challenges were faced while trying to stay the course of faith, but through their unity, determination, strength, focus, perseverance, and prayers the family hurdled every obstacle. In doing so, the leadership of Edward & Jackie translated to their three children through their tireless efforts to grow and develop their family.

No matter the challenge; the family grew stronger and stronger by focusing on the foundational principles of God’s Word. Jackie had many quotes, but one quote still inspires and goes with each family member in all their personal and professional dealings. Jackie would say, “Good, better, best; never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better is best.” This family has always been about bettering themselves and others. Through self-learning and trying out things in parenthood, Edward & Jackie started a great foundation that will carry on decades and centuries to come. Family has always been priority and the family has been blessed to expand through marriages and establishing new family traditions with Lawanda (Keith), Chaitra (Bryant), and Markeo (Nikol). It never seemed like these three were not part of the family, it has been a great fit since day one for both. This family partnership, which started through humble beginnings has shaped MTN Universal and our faith, principles, and values.

The humility, gratitude, and faith that we carry forth today, has granted us to now be professionals and experts in our various fields of theology, ministry, primary education, leadership, management, life and project management, communications, and healthcare.

We are blessed and thriving! Let us help you thrive from your blessings. Because of our journey, our experience has afforded us the opportunity to expand our influence, gifts, and talents. We want to partner with you and/or your business. Let’s become great friends and partners. Let’s expand our networks. Let’s grow together. Let’s be successful together. And let’s go beyond our imaginations to positively impact our world.