Learn to Lean

Successes and failures depend on the presence of early action steps or the lack thereof.

Today’s blog will focus more on one early action step, which is “Teamwork.”

No matter what your aspirations are, the principles within this blog will help your dreams become reality.

It is a must for us to develop ourselves, but a dream cannot be achieved without a team.  If your dream is small enough for only you to accomplish it, maybe it is not dream.

Surround yourself with people who support your dream and that are fine making your dream theirs.  Where can your dream go without the help of others.

As leaders, then we must Learn to Lean.

Leaning just means bringing others on board to help support, promote, and enhance the team’s dream.

Any and everyone can be part of the team, but make sure develop and value your team.

Arguably, this is one of the most important steps to success.


Action: Write down your dream(s), then list the team members for each dream. 

Question: What dream is requiring you to lean?  (Please leave a comment below.)

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