We have made it through another year. I hope your 2015 was full of joy, peace, and happiness. Whether your 2015 went as planned or not, you have a wonderful opportunity to have a great 2016.

Don’t let any part of this year go by without doing all four of these things.

1. Start the year with reflections. A great way to break in the new year is by looking back and learning from 2015. Examine your accomplishments and failures. After investigating the good and bad, try to make what was bad good and what was good better.

2. Start the year with prayer. It is good to start anything with prayer. Why? You should start with prayer for many reasons, but primarily because God is the Creator of all The New International Version (NIV) of Proverbs 1:7 says,

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.”

Another version being The Message Bible says,

“Start with God - the first step in learning is bowing down to God.”

3. Start the year with thankfulness. Thankfulness overrides any negativity. Many times when you are overwhelmed with negativity, it is quite possible you are lacking a healthy dose of thankfulness. The presence of thankfulness demonstrates an appreciation for your past. Before you grow and prosper, you have to be thankful for about where you are and where you have been.

4. Start the year with goals. Goals will give you a plan for success in 2016. Don’t ever find yourself without goals, which is your plan. Make your goals specific and measurable. Your goals will be a road map for your 2016 success.

The best way to have a prosperous 2016 is getting started the right way. You now have four ways to start a successful year. However, don’t only start your year with these four strategies, but also start every day this way.

Peace and Prosperity,

Bryant Hall

MTN Universal, LLC

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