Does attitude have anything to do with your success?  If so, what role does your attitude play when it comes to accomplishing your goals and achieving your dreams?

Attitude is one of those things that can be hard to measure.  It is especially hard to measure when it is your own attitude you are measuring.  Most people believe that they have a good attitude.  What if I told you that having a good attitude isn’t enough?

A week ago, I discussed making your first impression count.  Whether it is making a first impression that counts or leaving a behind a legacy, it all starts with you attitude.  The last blog resulted from an unpleasant experience with a restaurant.  Today’s post stems from the exact opposite.

I stopped into a McDonald’s to grab a breakfast sandwich when I noticed a team of employees with a remarkable attitude.  Compared to my experience a week ago, immediately upon entering McDonald’s the staff greeted me with a sense of happiness.  It seemed as if they were happy to see me even with the crowd of people present in the restaurant.  This extraordinary team seamlessly took my order and helped other customers all while providing an incredible level of customer service.  They all just seemed to care.

Where did this spirit and energy come from?

Having positive energy and an infectious spirit is a choice.  Every single day you can choose to be the best version of yourself.  God has created within us powerful tools that can make us extremely successful if we decide to tap into His power.  Do you know your own power?  How do you respond under pressure?  How do others feel around you when you are pressured?

Your attitude determines how you and others will feel at all times.  So let’s talk about what made the difference with the McDonald’s crew.  Taking a closer look at the McDonald’s crew I noticed the catalyst for the remarkable customer service.  It started with the attitude of the store manager.  Here are the 3 extraordinary ways to make your attitude a game changer that I saw from the store manager at McDonald’s.

1.    Lead by example.

The store manager was not afraid to do any job from the smallest to the more complicated requests.  He was actually in the trenches with the rest of his team.  He was not sitting back waiting for someone else to work.  He did not “pass the buck.”  He was taking time to speak to the customers in the restaurant while helping some the employees that were running behind.  The way he worked, I could sense that he cared and wanted the best for each employee.  In my mind, he demonstrated qualities that many of the executives and owners I coach and interview possess, which is accountability and humility.  He led by example.  How are you leading your teams?  Are you in the trenches helping those who need it the most?  Be a game changer and lead by example.

2.    Keep positive energy.

No matter the demand, the store manager exemplified positive energy.  He was upbeat and friendly to all the customers.  As a customer, I had a sneaky suspicious that he enjoyed the comrade of talking with his staff and the customers.  He seemed to be happy to be working and serving.  He had great energy.

The American musician, singer, songwriter, and actor Willie Nelson stated, “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”  How true is this?  I completely agree.  It’s a choice!  What negative thoughts do you need to choose to replace with a more positive thought?  Make the choice now because it will make your attitude a positive game change, which will allow you accomplish things beyond your wildest imaginations. 

3.    Be an encourager.

The U.S. Representative from Kentucky George Adams said, “Encouragement is oxygen of the soul.”   We all need some form of encouragement because it leads to hope.  Hope allows for us to envision ourselves better than we are, which helps us strive and sacrifice for our dreams.  Encouragement can be given in many ways.  But the easy way is in the form of two words - “Thank you.”  As I sat and watched the store manager, after the busiest time while I was present he turned to his team and said, “Good job everyone.”  He said those three words several times.  I could tell the team appreciated hearing those words.  What words are you saying to encourage yourself and others around you?  Being an encourager is part of what makes your attitude a game changer. 

Let me close this way, attitude is one of the most important tools we have when it comes to being successful.  Things will never be perfect.  We will always have deadlines.  There will never be enough time in a day.  Someone will always criticize and doubt your talents and motives.  You will never have enough.  But if your attitude is right, you will not focus on these things.  Your focus will be on developing yourself and the people that do believe in you.  Make a choice today to let your attitude be a positive game changer.  Your success depends on it.

In what ways can you choose to change your attitude to be a positive game changer?  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.


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