“You get what you put out.  If you act in a way that is positive and minimal drama, you attract the same kind of positive situations and people.” - April Myers

As a leader, you probably wouldn’t take it well if someone called you “boring.”

Boring just isn’t a fun word.  Many people believe boring is being lame.  No matter how you draw it up, boring is viewed as just plain unexciting.

In our world today, we are use to drama and excitement in our relationships, television shows, movies, churches, and politics.  We all have been in some form of a relationship where someone magnifies or exaggerates everything.  If you haven’t been in a relationship like that, you may know someone that acts this way.  If drama surrounds you, be honest with yourself — you may be the constant.  Are you creating the drama?  Are you seeking attention and excitement?  Maybe you are trying to avoid being boring.  But boring is the key to being an effective leader.

I’ve always been curious about what makes leaders great, which is why over the last six to twelve months I have been on an endless mission of interviewing successful leaders from various backgrounds and industries.  From my conversations, I have observed many things that a leader could benefit from and use to build their business.  One of the extraordinary findings with all these successful leaders is their ability to be unassuming.

How would you like to work for someone who is always on an emotional roller coaster?

This unassuming trait is their ability to be “emotionally stable.”  It is this emotional stability that helps with the success of their personal lives and organizations.  Many people would consider this emotional stability as being boring.  So in your quest to be an effective leader, I think you will benefit from these 3 ways of being more “emotionally stable” as a leader.

1.    Realize the creator of drama.  Whether it is you or someone else, it is good to know the origin of the drama with your leadership.  It is a great idea to avoid people who love drama.  If you cannot avoid them, give yourself a limited amount time to listen to it.  Whatever you do, don’t let it consume you.  On the other hand, you must admit and take ownership of drama created by you.  If you are creating drama, not only do you have to admit it but you should also seek alternative solutions.

2.    Improve your outlook.  Drama usually occurs when a person is overwhelmed with a difficult situation.  As a leader, in these situations you should step back and realize the gravity of the situation.  American author and motivational speaker Richard Carlson explained this in his Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff book.  He speaks about how we let the little things in life drive us crazy.

Usually if we stop, think, and breathe, we will discover action steps to a reasonable solution.  This will also allow you to focus on those things within your control.  

3.    Be clear and straight with people consistently.  Consistency isn’t the most attractive word, but it is important to being an effective leader.  Another reason for drama is poor communication and confusion, which can be eliminated by saying exactly what you mean.  You want people around you to know that you will be honest with them and that they can be honest with you.

There are many benefits to minimizing the drama with your leadership.  The greatest benefit is people will know that you are “emotionally stable.”  We all would rather deal with a leader that is consistent, predictable, and grounded because it is an indication that a leader is stable, agreeable, reliable, and trustworthy.

How successful are you at maintaining your emotions as a leader?  How consistent and clear are your core values?  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.
