As a leader, it isn’t usual to feel like you are on island when making some decisions.  Matter of fact, it quite easy to believe one of these statements, “No one understands” or “No one cares.”

Have you ever thought you were alone, only to find out you were never alone from the start?

I can recall several big decisions I have made in my life when I thought I was alone, but I discovered I had more support than I could have dreamt.

In our Friday’s Focus, I want to show you that you are never alone.

Our Greatest Ally

When it seems you are alone, know you have the greatest ally in God.  He is an ever-present Help.

In Psalm 46:1 the Psalmist said,

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

God is always present for us.  No matter when you have to make the decision or how hard the decision may be to make, God will be there in your time of need.

God is our biggest ally because He wants us to win.  Since the creation of the world, He has always made a way for us to be in His presence.

How It Works

There have been times when I was waiting on an answer from God, but I felt He did not answer during my time of need.  However, every time I reflect on these situations, I realize that God was always present before, during, and after my time of need.

It reminds me of Elijah’s experience with the LORD.  Elijah thought he was alone and was looking for a word from the LORD.

“The LORD said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.’  Then a great powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind.  After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake.  After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire.  And after the fire came a gentle and quiet whisper.” - 1 Kings 19:11-19

Elijah was looking for God to come to him in a conventional way, but God came in the form of a “gentle and quiet whisper.”  As leaders, how many times are expecting for BIG things to happen in our personal and professional lives?

It’s okay to admit our unrealistic expectations for God to act and answer us in a conventional way.  As humans, we all can be impatient and restless.  This type of spirit leads to discontentment and unhappiness.  This spirit will always leave us wanting more.

I have to say, we should never limit God because He can definitely demonstrate His love for us through BIG miraculous occurrences.

However, just as with Elijah, God expresses His love towards us in small ways.  It’s these little victories that add up to make the BIG victories in our lives.  So accept the small victories and know you are never alone.

He may not answer you when and how you would like for Him to answer you, but he will answer you at the right time.

Question: What are some small ways God has expressed to you that you are not alone as a leader?

Peace and Prosperity,

Bryant Hall

MTN Universal, LLC

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