Move Before You're Ready


“Start where you are.  Use what you have.  Do what you can.”

~ Arthur Ashe


How many times have we said or heard, “I will start __(you fill in the blank)__ when the time is right.”

One month of 2014 is practically gone.

Have you met any of your January goals?

I hope you are on track to meet all your monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals.

Regardless of whether you are or not, keep moving forward.

The time will never be right, so move before you’re ready.



What is it you would like to accomplish?

Is it developing a better relationship with our Father God?  Is it having a more servant heart?

Would you like to be married or do you need a better marriage?  Is it having a child?  Is it renewing a friendship?  Is it reaching out to a child you haven’t spoken to in a while?

How about your professional career?  Is it being better at your current job position?  Is it starting a new job?  Is it starting your own business?

What is IT?


Just know, the time will never be right!

I’m not suggesting for you to make an ill-advised decision, but you can’t wait forever to make a decision.

If you think about most card or board games, you only have a certain amount of time to make a decision before you lose your turn.

The only difference is life’s not a game and you don’t get several turns.  Some opportunities only around come once.  Other opportunities may take a while to come back around, if it ever presents itself again.

So, Move Before You’re Ready!

4 Reasons Why You Should Move Before You’re Ready

1. Passion and excitement for the opportunity.

2. There will never be a right time.

3. Progress your life.

4. Avoid regrets.


Action: Stop waiting and move on your opportunities to move your life forward.  

Question(s): Can you remember a time when you should have taken advantage of an opportunity sooner?  What opportunities are waiting for you to move before you’re ready? (Please leave a comment below.)

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