“Live to learn, and you will really learn to live.” - John C. Maxwell

Is there one gift capable of positively impacting your life?  Better yet, can name a gift you have received that has added exceptional value to your life?

It is the thought that counts when it comes to gifting and receiving gifts.  But we all have received gifts that add much to our life.  Please know that a price tag doesn’t always correlate to the value the gift will add to your life.  Some of the greatest gifts I have received have been of nominal monetary value.

There are 8 must haves for your success in 2017, but the best gift you can give yourself is having a willingness to learn.  The question is what and how should you be learning?

One of the best gifts I received in 2017 came to me in the form of a book.  Reading exposes you to new things and expands your knowledge and insight.  Since receiving this gift, I have read this book several times.  It has given me greater ideas and systems to succeed as a leader.  The American author, speaker, and motivator John C. Maxwell wrote the book, which is The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.

I would like to share just a few tips from the book that added value to my life by enhancing my leadership.  If you will enhance your leadership skills, it will in turn give you success beyond your imaginations because all successes begin with great leadership.

1.    Effectiveness.  What we do as leaders will be restricted or propelled by how you lead others.  John Maxwell discusses how our effectiveness as leaders increases when we focus on working our strengths.  To be effective we have to get rid of some things and invest in people and things that will add value to our lives.  Do you currently have goals to help improve your level of effectiveness?   

2.    Influence.  There are some people who believe that leadership is a title or position, but in this book John Maxwell explains that leadership is simply about influence, nothing more, nothing less.  Your level of influence will be dictated by the way you trust, help, and care for your followers. 

3.    Process.  The journey to your success is a process.  This book also discusses that leadership is learned over time and that leaders are always learners.  Leadership develops daily not in a day.  In other words, developing your leadership capabilities is a marathon not a sprint.  This process of growth and development starts on the inside of us all.  Developing this inside process will build inner peace and strength.

4.    Navigation.  John Maxwell speaks about navigation requiring preparation, a vision, and reflection.  The main thought of the chapter about navigations is “A leader sees more, sees farther, and sees before others.”  It is important for leaders to plan and prepare for success by setting goals and putting an action plan in place to achieve your goals.  Careful navigation means learning from your mistakes, failing forward, and keeping success in perspective. 

These are just a few ways that The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership has added value to my life.  You may already have great strategies to successfully develop every aspect of your life.  The willingness to learn is a gift that keeps on giving.  For me, this book was an amazing gift to me in this past year.  What was the best gift you have received this past year?  What do you plan on achieving this New Year?  Please leave a comment below, send me a tweet on Twitter, or leave a comment on Facebook.


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