The Why in Life


Some days are better than others, but everyday is a good day when we have life in our bodies.  It is always better than the alternative.

Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

I have no recollection of the day I was birthed into this world, but I know it is one of the most important days of life.  Why?  It was the start of my life.

Regardless of whether you have any knowledge of the beginning of your life, it is still a momentous day.  You wouldn’t be here without all the activities and emotions surrounding your birthday.  Whether it was a good experience or not, it is still one of the most important days of your life.

According to Mark Twain, the other most important day is when we figure our why we were born.

Any time a child is born, our world receives a gift from God.  Since birth, we all have carried a gift of unlimited potential to positively change our world.

What does this have to do with leadership?

I do believe knowing why you were born makes a big difference.  One of the most productive questions in life is, “Why?”  Our success depends on this three-letter word.  Let me share with you three reasons why God created me and I hope will inspire you to discover the why of your life.

1. I was born to serve God and His creation.

2. I was born to be the best husband I can be to my wife.

3. I was born to be the best father I can be to my children.

Does this make me perfect?  Far from it, but it does help me with my decision-making.  Before I make a decision, I always want to know how the decision will affect the above three things.  If it will stop me from serving God, loving my wife, or loving my children, it is not worth my time.  These are my why’s to life?

What are your why’s to life?  Why were your born?  Why did God grace our Earth with your life?

Once you find out the why, you will discover many other opportunities to be a better leader and live a successful life.

Question: Why were you born?  Leave your comments below.

Peace and Prosperity,

Bryant Hall

MTN Universal, LLC

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